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Being a leader in sustainability takes vision and diligence

With more concern regarding climate change, global warming potential, and the impact carbon has on our environment, Crossville is taking a harder look at our energy usage and carbon impact. To achieve progress towards a greener future, we must first create overarching goals and partner with our suppliers to help advance their initiatives as well.

 Learn more about how we're making large strides in reducing our carbon footprint:

Creating goals

Purchasing offsets

product initiatives
crossville creates co2 reduction goals
CREAting goals

In 2014, Crossville completed its first energy usage assessment, which led us to create our Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). At our 5-year update in 2019, Crossville realized a 10% reduction in energy usage, demonstrating that a path of carbon reduction in our facilities and operations was possible.
10% reduction is just a starting point for Crossville. We can and will do more to create less impact on the environment. With this, we announce two goals for the future:
  1.  Short-term goal: Achieve an additional 10% reduction in our tile's global warming potential by 2024.
  2.  Achieve a 30% carbon reduction from the 2014 baseline by 2030.
These goals reflect the changes we believe we can make to our processes to affect our global warming potential (GWP) and total carbon emissions. We are exploring all the ways internally that we can drive energy reduction strategies with changes to products, process improvements, and investigating all quickly evolving technologies that could help Crossville improve energy efficiency.
Over 70% of the impact of our products comes from utility usage. Our gas and electric partners also have goals to reduce their environmental impact. The TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) is striving to become carbon neutral by 2050. As utility companies reduce their impact, it will greatly reduce the carbon footprint of Crossville’s manufacturing process. Crossville will continue to partner with not only our utility suppliers, but all suppliers to collectively reduce our impact.
carbon reduction plan

Purchasing offsets

Not all impact can be immediately done away with but we can take responsibility for our carbon emissions. In the near term, Crossville will support validated and reputable global carbon reduction and removal initiatives by purchasing carbon credits to offset impacts that we cannot immediately eliminate.
Many manufacturers purchase carbon credits to offset the embodied carbon in their products. This embodied carbon covers the product’s carbon footprint from raw material sourcing, transportation of those materials to our plants, and finally producing the product. What we do doesn’t just end when the product leaves our plants. Crossville goes further by purchasing credits which offset the carbon footprint of our tiles through the entire product lifecycle as determined by our life cycle assessments (LCA) and reported in our EPD. Because we consider the carbon footprint of our tiles from inception through demolition, recycling or destruction – a true cradle to grave approach - our carbon credits do more for the environment.

Product initiatives

Crossville announces two new manufactured collections in 2023 that will be carbon neutral through measuring embodied carbon (EPD) and purchasing carbon credits to account for what cannot be immediately reduced for the full lifecycle of these product lines. Civilization and Native Metal are our first carbon neutral products. In 2024, we introduced our latest carbon neutral collection Beljn. As the design / build community supports more carbon neutral products, we will expand our offering. And as we make further changes to our manufacturing process, the less we will need to rely on carbon offsets to do the good we know is possible.


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